Dear TiE DC Friends
Wishing you all a very happy holiday season. Hope 2022 has been a good year for everyone and wishing you all an awesome 2023!
As the year closes, I want to express how honored and humbled I have felt to serve as TIE DC President in 2022. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the entire Board for putting your faith in me and granting me the opportunity to further develop our TiE DC Chapter. A special thanks also to our Executive Director Andrea Souza and Administrator Luz Blanco for their support.
I started the year with a popular adage “many hands make light work" as I requested your help to grow the chapter and I made a promise to you (quoting from my first newsletter) "to make 2022 an even better year than the earlier years continuing our journey to be ranked among the best of the best in the TiE Global echo system". The promise was kept! And help you did! And the chapter grew to amazing heights! So much so that for the first time since its inception, TIE DC was recognized as the best large chapter globally! I feel so honored and humbled that this award came in my term, but the credit truly goes to our entire team of Board Members and volunteers for the years of work they put in to get the chapter to where it is now.
Below I highlight some of our key accomplishments this year:
Keep scrolling down to see all our updates.
As I end my tenure as the TiE DC President, my heartfelt thanks to the TiE DC Board of 2022- for all their support and friendship. Even though this is a working board and demanded endless hours of work you all made it seem like so much fun!